Exercise 1: Lab Setup

Workshop content and sample code from the Global Microsoft 365 Developer Bootcamp in October 2020 focused on building an emergency response center with Teams and SharePoint

Exercise 1: Lab Setup

In this section, you’ll set up your tenant for SharePoint and Teams development.

Step 1: Get a tenant

If you don’t yet have a tenant, please join the Microsoft 365 Developer Program to get a free one. Your tenant includes 25 E5 user licenses and can be renewed as long as you keep developing!

Select Join now to begin. Signup

Log in with any Microsoft personal or work and school account, enter your information, and select Next.


You will be presented with a number of check boxes about your development interests; check what you like and then select Next again. On the final screen, enter a username, domain name, and password. The domain name you choose is just the left-most portion - for example if you enter Contoso your domain will be Contoso.onmicrosoft.com.


Remember this information as you’ll need it throughout the labs! You will log in as <username>@<domain>.onmicrosoft.com with the password your chose. You’ll be prompted for your phone number and then the system will set up your subscription.



Soon after you’ll be prompted to log in. Be sure to use the new credentials you just created, not the ones you used when you signed up for the developer program!


Go to the Microsoft 365 admin center and log in as an administrator of your new tenant. To navigate there, select the application launcher 1️⃣ and then Admin 2️⃣.


😎 DON’T DEVELOP IN PRODUCTION: It may be tempting to build solutions right where you work every day, but there are good reasons to have a dedicated dev tenant - and probably additional staging/test tenants. They’re free, and you can safely experiment as a tenant admin without risking your production work.

😎 NAVIGATING MANY TENANTS: Consider creating a browser profile for each tenant that will have its own favorites, stored credentials, and cookies so you can easily work in your development tenant(s) as well as your production environment.

😎 CHANGES ROLL OUT FIRST TO “TARGETED RELEASE” TENANTS. You may want to enable Targeted Release in your developer tenant and keep production on Standard Release so you have a head start to test out new features.

Step 2: Enable Teams application uploads

By default, end users can’t upload Teams applications directly; instead an administrator needs to upload them into the enterprise app catalog. In this step you will enable direct uploads to make development easier and allow installation directly from App Studio or the Microsoft Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code.

a. In the navigation panel of the Microsoft 365 admin center, select Show all to open up the entire navigation

M365 Admin

NOTE: If you recently created your tenant, the Teams link may not appear in your navigation. You can try to use https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/ or wait a few minutes and refresh the page until the link appears in your navigation.

When the panel opens, select Teams to open the Microsoft Teams admin center.

M365 Admin

b. In the Microsoft Teams admin center navigation, open the Teams apps accordion 1️⃣ and select Setup Policies 2️⃣. It will display a list of App setup policies. Select the Global (Org-wide default) policy 3️⃣.

Teams admin

c. Ensure that Upload custom apps is turned On. Then, scroll down and select Save to apply your changes.

Teams admin

We have been working to get this enabled by default on developer tenants, so it may already be set for you. The change can take up to 24 hours to take effect, but usually it’s much faster. Instructions for completing the labs without “Upload custom apps” are included, but it will be easier if it’s turned on.

Step 3: Create the SharePoint app catalog

This one can take up to 30 minutes to take effect, so again we want to get it done right away.

a. Return to the Microsoft 365 admin center (Teams admin probably opened in a new browser tab, so it may already be open). This time select SharePoint to go to the SharePoint admin center. You may have to log in again the first time.

M365 admin

b. In the SharePoint admin center, select More Features 1️⃣ from the navigation, and then open the Apps page 2️⃣.

M365 admin

c. In the Apps screen, select App Catalog

M365 admin

Select OK to Create a new app catalog site.

M365 admin

NOTE: If you get an error message, your tenant may still be in the process of provisioning; try again after 10 minutes or so.

On the Create App Catalog Site Collection screen,

  • 1️⃣ Set the Title to Catalog
  • 2️⃣ Don’t change the host name or managed path of the Web Site address, but do complete the address with catalog
  • 3️⃣ Make yourself the Administrator of the app catalog by typing your tenant administration username and select the person icon to verify that you entered a valid user name.
  • 4️⃣ Server Resource Quota is obsolete; you can leave it or set it to zero

Select OK to create the app catalog.

M365 admin

d. You will be brought to the Classic sites view. You should see the app catalog site collection with a spinning green icon to indicate it’s in the process of being created. When the green icon becomes the word New, the app catalog site has been created.

NOTE: The app catalog still won’t work right away; you’ll get errors if you try to upload an app right now. You might want to note the time; it can take up to 30 minutes. Meanwhile, you can proceed to the next part of the exercise; Part 2 does not require either the Teams upload or the SharePoint app catalog.

## Step 4: Create the Team

a. Browse to https://teams.microsoft.com and log in if you’re prompted. These exercises assume you’re using the web client, so select Use the web app instead.


b. Select Join or create a team to create your team 1️⃣; then select the Create Team button 2️⃣.


c. In the Create your team dialog, select Build a team from scratch


d. In the What kind of team will this be? dialog, select Private so people not on the emergency response team can’t join without permission.


e. In the Some quick details about your private team screen, set your Team name to Emergency Response 1️⃣ and select Create 2️⃣.


You can skip adding members to the Team because there probably aren’t any other users to add!

😎 TEST USERS: Always test your code with a non-admin user. Your tenant has 25 E5 licenses, use them to create various personas who have different permissions, and test with them!

f. At the top of the General channel, select the Files tab. You may get a message saying it’s not ready yet; that’s because the SharePoint site doesn’t get provisioned until it is first used. You have just initiated the provisioning, and it will save you waiting a few minutes in the next exercise.

When you’re ready, please proceed to the next section.