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Interface Person

A read-only representation of a Person in a contact list or in a search query.

A Person model is created on top of a "contact" resource from UCWA. When created, it does not send any HTTP requests to get additional information about the Person, but waits for the view layer (or whoever created the Person model) to subscribe to one of the Person model properties. For example, when the caller starts listening to Person name changes

 person1.displayName.changed((name) => {
     console.log("the contact's name is " + name);

the Person model checks whether the property is already available and if so, the Person model does not fetches it again from the server, If the property value is not available, the Person model sends all HTTP server requests necessary to obtain that value. For example for the code snippet above where someone subscribes to the "displayName" property, the Person model sends up to one HTTP request to load the resource:

 GET /contacts/126173

For more complicated properties, like "status", it may be necessary to send extra HTTP requests to create a presence subscription. So when someone starts listening to the "status" property

 sub = person1.status.subscribe();
 function onPresenceChanged(presence) {
     console.log("the contact is " + presence.availability);

the Person model sends a POST request to create a presence subscription (in addition to all requests that are necessary to get the URL to which that POST request can be sent):

 POST /contacts/126173/presencesubscriptions

 {"Uris":["sip:johndoe@contoso.com"], "Duration":"11"}

But after the view stops listening to the property


the Person model sends a DELETE request to remove the presence subscription:

 DELETE /contacts/126173/presencesubscriptions/2877816481

It is suggested to unsubscribe from Person models after it does not need them. The Person model cannot do this itself, because in JavaScript there is no concept of "finalizers" or "destructors" and so the Person model cannot know when it's no longer needed.





activity: Property<string>

The custom user-defined activity text augments the online status value.

It is encoded in UTF-16 and in the locale specified during application creation. The value of this string is localized in the current application's culture provided the localized string exists in the contact's publication.

Otherwise, the value of this string is one of the well known activity strings in which case the application is responsible for the localization. The well known ones are:

"in-a-meeting", (user has an accepted meeting) "urgent-interruptions-only", (busy) "on-the-phone", (speaking with one person) "in-a-conference", (speaking with more than one person) "off-work", "out-of-office", "presenting".


avatarUrl: Property<string>

This may either be a remote URL to a PNG or a JPEG picture or a data URL with embedded picture data.


capabilities: Capabilities

Like note, the capabilities is not a property, but an object containing the following sub-properties (all of which contain boolean flags indicating whether the person is capable of communicating using certain modalities):

 var modalities = person.capabilities;
 if (!modalities.audio())
     console.log("audio not supported");

Since capabilities is not a property itself, it can not be subscribed to; but its sub-properties can be subscribed to:

 // get capabilities object
 var modalities = person.capabilities;
 // subscribe to changes of capabilities.audio
 modalities.audio.changed((f) => {
     console.log("audio modality is " + f ?
         'supported' : 'not supported');


company: Property<string>


department: Property<string>


displayName: Property<string>


emails: Collection<Email>

All email addresses.


endpointType: Property<EndpointType>

The device type on which the contact has been the most active.


id: Property<string>

SIP URI of this person. i.e. "sip:johndoe@contoso.com"


lastSeenAt: Property<Date>

When the status is 'Away' this indicates when the person was last available


location: Location

var location = person.location(); // read the location person.location.subscribe(); // subscribe to location changes person.location.changed((location) => { console.log("new location is " + location); });


note: Note

var note = person.note; // get the note object note.text.subscribe(); // subscribe to changes of note.text note.text.changed((t) => { console.log("new note is " + t); });


office: Property<string>


phoneNumbers: Collection<PhoneNumber>

Sorted by type.


status: Status


title: Property<string>