Reads the cached value from the property. The local cached value may differ from the corresponding value on the server.
Changes the value of the property. If the property is linked to a value on the server, this sends a requets to the server; however to track the progress of the operation, use .set(...).
This event is fired whenever the property's value gets changed. The parameters are (new value, reason, old value).
Fetches the actual value from the server.
The reason why the property has this value. It can be changed by the .set(...) function.
Requests to change the value and returns a promise that gets resolved after the value is changed.
Creates a property which value is derived from this property's value. The following is true at all times: == fn(p());
The created property is read only and changes after the origin property.
Same as adding a listener to the .changed event that removes itself once the needed event appears:
p.changed(function listener(newValue, reason, oldValue) { if (newValue == 3) {; ... } });
Tells the property to keep its value up to date. This may result in creating a subscription on the server. If the value of the property is needed only once, it's preferrable to use .get().
Same as adding a listener to the .changed event with an if condition inside:
p.changed((newValue, reason, oldValue) => { if (newValue == 3) { ... } });
The location model is also a string property with the basic textual representation of the location.