Nested groups.
A distribution group may have nested distribution groups.
This collection may initially be empty, as the UI may not need
to display the nested groups, but can be loaded from the server
either via a call to groups.get
or via a subscription to
the groups:added
To get the list of names of nested groups without sending requests to the server:
var nestedGroups = thisGroup.groups();
nestedGroups.forEach((group) => {
To request the list of nested groups from the server:
thisGroup.groups.get().then((nestedGroups) => {
// now these groups in the local cache, so
// nestedGroups == thisGroup.groups()
nestedGroups.forEach((group) => {
To observe the collection of nested groups:
thisGroup.groups.added((group) => {
console.log( + " has been added");
thisGroup.groups.removed((group) => {
console.log( + " has been removed");
Relationship groups do not have this id. All other groups do.
This property is defined for user-created, server-created and distribution groups.
There are two predefined groups created by the server, with the following names:
- Other Contacts
- Pinned Contacts
("Pinned Contacts" corresponds to the "Favorites" group.)
The setter of the name attribute can be used to rename the group, which leads to a "PUT" request being sent to UCWA. This "PUT" request, upon success (with a 204 response), results in a new group being created by UCWA (indicated by a "group added" event) with the new name, and the old group (with the old name) being deleted by UCWA (indicated by a "group deleted" event). For this reason, such a setter call will return the (old) name of the old group, since the caller would still hold the reference to the old group object (which will be deleted when the "group deleted" event arrives).
Consider this example to rename a group:
// assume getGroupByName returns the Group object by its name
var group = getGroupByName("oldName");
client.personsAndGroupsManager.all.groups.added(() => { => {
// the new group with the new name has been created
// update the reference if want to reuse it
if (a == "newGroup") group = g;
client.personsAndGroupsManager.all.groups.removed((g) => { => {
// the old group with the old name has been deleted
// the old reference is no long valid if not updated yet
// so renew it to point to the new group object
if (a == "oldGroup") group = getGroupByName("newName");
});"newName").then((a) => {
// a should be the name "oldName" of the old group
// at this moment, the group reference is likely still pointing
// to the old group, with name "oldName"
// ...
// some moments later, after the "group added" event is received
// the group reference has been updated to point to the new group
// with name "newName"
All the contacts in this group.
The constructor does not populate this collection because the UI may not need to display the contacts immediately. Instead it waits until someone subscribes to the collection and then loads contacts from the server.
When writing UI controls on top of this class, consider the following approach of reading contacts:
group.persons.added((person) =>{
person.displayName.changed((displayName) =>{
The handler attached to the "added" event will be invoked for all contacts in the collection even if they were added to it before the handler is attached.
To get the list of contacts once from the server use the async get
method that sends a GET request(s) to the server and resolves the
returned promise to the array of Person models. In addition to
that it saves the list of Person models in the cache, so next
time these contacts can be retrieved without the need to go to the server.
group.persons.get().then((persons) => {
persons.forEach((person) => {
console.log( + " contains " + person.displayName());
To add or remove a contact use the async add/remove methods:
group.persons.add(person).then(null, (err) => {
console.log("The contact cannot be added: " + err);
group.persons.remove(person).then(null, (err) => {
console.log("The contact cannot be removed: " + err);
These methods send a request to the server to add or remove a contact.
The contact gets actually removed or added after the server sends a
corresponding event that can be observed in the added
and removed
events of the collection.
Not all groups support adding and removing contacts. For instance distribution groups discovered via search cannot be edited this way.
Privacy relationship groups have the relationship level.
Distribution groups have this id. This id looks like ""
A group that holds a collection of contacts and nested groups.
An instance of Group represents a group of contacts, which can come from one of many sources:
- the contact list that includes all contacts - a distribution group - a relationship group like Colleagues, Workgroup, Blocked - a user-created or a server-created group of contacts
These sources are similar in a sense that they encapsulate a contact list, but the access path to that list may differ:
For instance to get the list of rel=contact resources for a rel=group, the model at first gets rel=group, then it finds rel=groupContacts link in it, sends a GET to that link and finds rel=contact links in the response. To get the list of contacts for rel=myContacts and rel=myPrivacyRelationship it's enough to send a GET to these resources; in case of rel=distributionGroup the model sends a GET to distributionGroup/expandDistributionGroup.