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Interface Collection<T>

Type parameters

  • T


  • Collection


  • __call(): T[]
  • __call(index: number | string): T
  • Gets all items of the collection as an array. The items cached in the collection may differ from items stored in the corresponding collection on the server.

    Returns T[]

  • Gets an item by its numeric zero-based index or key. The item's index may change after other items are added or removed. The item's key never changes, even after other items are added or removed.


    • index: number | string

    Returns T




add: Command

Adds a new item to the collection. Arguments are (item, key, index). Returns a promise that resolves to the key of the added item.


added: Event<function>

This event is fired immediately after an item gets added. The arguments are (item, key, index).


changed: Event<function>

This event is fired immediately after an item is added or removed. The event doesn't have any arguments.


get: function

Fetches all items of the collection from the server or fetches only one item by its index or key. Returns a promise that resolves to the array of the items or the requested item.

Type declaration


remove: Command

Removes an item from the collection. Returns a promise that resolves after the item is removed.


removed: Event<function>

This event is fired immediately after an item gets removed. The arguments are (item, key, index).


size: Property<number>

The number of items in the collection as an observable property.



  • Creates a collection with some items removed. The created collection is read only and changes after the origin collection.


    • predicate: function
        • (item: T): boolean
        • Parameters

          • item: T

          Returns boolean

    Returns Collection<T>


  • Creates a collection with customized .add and .remove methods.


    • add: any
    • remove: any

    Returns Collection<T>


  • Creates a collection with items mapped with the given function: The following is true at all times for any item:

    items.map(fn)(i) == fn(items(i));

    The created collection is read only and changes after the origin collection.

    Type parameters

    • U


    • fn: function
        • (item: T): U
        • Parameters

          • item: T

          Returns U

    Returns Collection<U>


  • reduce<U>(aggregate: function, initialValue?: U): Property<U>
  • Aggregates the items in the collection into an observable property.

    The key feature of this method is that it's like ko.computed observes the list of dependent properties and updates the aggregated value whenever any of the deps changes.

     const values = Collection();
     const product = values.reduce((val, prop) => val ? val * prop() : 0, 1);
     const x = Property(); x.set(3);
     const y = Property(); y.set(5);
     const z = Property(); z.set(7);
     values.add(x); // product() == 3
     values.add(y); // product() == 3*5
     values.add(z); // product() == 3*5*7
     y.set(0); // product() == 0 and z is not even being observed
     y.set(11); // product() == 3*11*7 and z is being observed again

    A possible application is computing the number of online users:

     const nOnline = persons.reduce((n, p) => n + (!!p.status() == "Online"), 0);
     nOnline.changed(n => document.title = n + " people online");

    This works as long as the computed value doesn't depend on some external source.

    Type parameters

    • U


    • aggregate: function
        • (previous: U, current: T): U
        • Parameters

          • previous: U
          • current: T

          Returns U

    • Optional initialValue: U

    Returns Property<U>


  • Created a collection with all items sorted. The given function is a predicate which says whether the order of two given items is correct; thus to do the basic sort use the following predicate:

    items.sort((x, y) => x < y);

    The created collection is read only and changes after the origin collection.


    • order: function
        • (lhs: T, rhs: T): boolean
        • Parameters

          • lhs: T
          • rhs: T

          Returns boolean

    Returns Collection<T>


  • subscribe(): object
  • Tells the collection to keep its data up to date. This may result in creating a subscription on the server. If the items of the collection are needed only once, it's preferrable to use .get().

    Returns object

    • dispose: function
        • (): void
        • Returns void