Controls who is let into the meeting:
Invited Only users in the attendees/leaders, all others are put in the lobby.
Locked All users except the organizer are put into the lobby.
SameEnterprise Only users from the same enterprise, all others are put in the lobby.
SIP URIs of users to include as attendees.
Which participants are automatically promoted to leaders.
An online meeting organizer can schedule a meeting so that users are automatically promoted to the leader role when they join the meeting. For example, if the meeting is scheduled with automatic promotion policy set to "SameEnterprise", then any participants from the organizer's company are automatically promoted to leaders when they join the meeting. Conference leaders can still promote specific users to the leader role, including anonymous users.
The attendance announcements status for the online meeting.
When attendance announcements are enabled, the online meeting will announce the names of the participants who join the meeting through audio.
The UTC date and time after which the online meeting can be deleted.
The day and time must be between one year before, and ten years after, the current date and time on the server. If the expiration time is specified, it must point to a moment in the future.
The URL that is used when the online meeting is joined from the web.
SIP URIs of users to include as leaders. The organizer will automatically be added to the leaders list.
When enabled phone users will skip the meeting lobby.
Identifies this meeting among the other online meetings that are scheduled by the organizer. The online meeting ID is unique within the organizer's list of scheduled online meetings.
The URI of the online meeting organizer: the person who scheduled the meeting. Organizers can enumerate or change only the conferences that they organize.
Whether participants can join the online meeting over the phone.
Setting this property to true means that online meeting participants can join the meeting over the phone through the Conferencing Auto Attendant (CAA) service.
Represents a meeting that is scheduled, but not joined. To schedule a meeting, set appropriate properties and then get the meeting URI:
app.conversationsManager.createMeeting() .accessLevel("Everyone") .subject("Test") .expirationTime(new Date + 5 * 24 * 3600) .onlineMeetingUri.get();
Then the URI can be sent to attendees and they can join.
See also how to schedule online meetings with UCWA: