Set this property to mute/unmute this participant (local or remote)
For the local participant set this property to hold/resume the call; for a remote participant this property is read-only and is true when the remote participant is holding the call.
True if there is audible sound in the channel
Meeting presenters can mute or unmute other meeting participants, but when a presenter unmutes a participant the participant must be notified, and until the end user accepts, the jLync app must not resume transmitting sound.
This is a read-only property which is set to true when a meeting presenter tries to unmute the local participant. When the property becomes true, the end user should be notified that a presenter has requested that he/she unmute.
This property will only ever be true for the local participant.
Connection state of this participant's audio
Defines the endpoint where the participant is being reached To reach participant on Skype network and have Skype to Skype audio, set it to corresponding - this is default value To reach participant on phone network and have Skype to PSTN audiocall, set it to corresponding person.phoneNumbers[].telUri